Currently designing creator experiences at Teachable
With our Find Your Path assessment, we were able to introduce our core users to our product in an easy, delightful way, while at the same time gather essential data administrators needed for state reporting.
A good search experience is essential for anyone going through the college discovery process. At SchooLinks I redesigned one of our core features to handle the wide range of needs demanded by our 1,000+ daily users.
With 10M+ transcripts sent each year, the SchooLinks Transcript Center was a feature we had to get right. We did this with a solution simple enough for the every day user but also flexible enough to handle the real-world hiccups that inevitably occur.
Over the past 7+ years I've worked in design across a variety of start ups. The majority of my time has been at SchooLinks, where I joined SchooLinks as the first design hire and helped scale the company to a series A startup that’s breaking new ground in the ed-tech space. After solving complex problems for America's public schools and students, I'm looking forward to tackling new industries and new challenges.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my work and get to know a little more about me. Feel free to say hey with an email: